by chandiniann | Apr 22, 2022 | Interesting Reads
I must admit that when I began writing as a means to earn, it was scary. There were times that I would write just to escape – from being tired, from feeling emotionally drained, or even from laborious chores. At other times, I would relax and stop battling these ‘demons’, only to find my head and heart in sync, which then allowed the words to tumble out of them. My heart, mind, and words would coalesce – sometimes into a smooth flowing river and sometimes I would end up with a big soggy puddle!
Over time, I realized that in order to write well, I need to write from the depths of my soul – not from the surface of my emotions. I had to venture deep inside – deep enough to awaken feelings that would help me become distinct. Writing for me now, after years of practice, is a series of layered subtleties and gradations, expressed well enough to make people want to go along with me on my journey. I write from my soul.
When I write, I want it to be read and to leave the readers wanting more. It’s a deep desire to captivate the readers and enable them to ‘live’ my experiences, joys, darkness, lessons – albeit vicariously. The truth is that all of us have a story – we all are memoirs. When I write, however, it becomes a journey that I wish readers would want to undertake with me, and maybe compare notes of their story with mine.
It’s all about simple choices – the kind that creates magic, the kind that is the difference between words that readers want to soak in repeatedly or give up right at the beginning. I write such that readers can learn about my pain and joys – and maybe ease their pain and re-live their joys.
Life can be mundane in some parts – but through my words, I try to help see those ‘worn out’ parts with a fresh perspective. I know that when I read something, it often is to find some light or some solution to the complete madness in life – I read to save my soul and move towards being a better person. No words should be taken for granted – they must enrich the reader and encourage him/her to feel the emotions without actually undergoing a similar experience. Imagine that!
Wishing you well always!
by chandiniann | Apr 1, 2022 | Interesting Reads
What does this phrase mean? What does it mean to you and can it be explained? To my way of thinking – it is not that this cannot be explained, but in doing so, it is possible that it loses its meaning when explicated in words. The world from each person’s perspective is evidently dissimilar. We seem to see everything up close and personal, and yet things seem detached.
We are not aware of what the future holds – and the pandemic is proof of that, in a forceful and ‘larger than life’ way. No, this is not a discourse on the pandemic! We know (even without the ‘scourge’) that we cannot predict the next moment, let alone tomorrow. What we can do, is either make the ‘uncertainty’ creep on us like flames lapping at our feet or choose to stay with and in, each moment. #Inviolable Equanimity is harder to achieve than we might think, but it is not impossible to steer clear of the immediacy of uncertainty. Without this composure and being in the present, we add isolation to the already lethal mix of depression, pain, anxiety, anger, and other toxic feelings. We create a ‘pressure cooker’ like state in our mind, heart, and body, with no discernible ‘release valve’.
We know that the definition and meaning of certainty and inviolable equanimity changes all the time. The reality of these terms is volatile and multi-layered, and even paradoxical. The phenomena of our everyday life seem fiddly to define. So, is there a way to center our minds and attain Inviolable Equanimity? Yes, I believe there is – if we are willing to go about things differently and remain committed to achieving positive results.
The trick lies in maintaining the impenetrable calmness – moment to moment or what is defined as being #mindful and being in the now. The offshoots are clarity of thought, ability to influence positive outcomes, focus and concentration – and a number of other such niceties that help maintain Inviolable Equanimity. Must say, however, that this sweet spot is by no means a given or easy to attain, even though it is core to our being. It is an essential albeit fragile asset.
Many of us have been dealt harsher and more frequent blows in our life – ones that either shook the foundation of our being or had other catastrophic aftermaths. These ‘thrashings’ often result in coping strategies that are usually apathy and even ‘resigning to one’s fate’. What makes these feelings even worse is the seeming revelry of our plight, of those around us – sadistic pleasure as we know it. Face it – there are demons amongst us, and each of us may have worn the cloak of such demonic impulses, sometime in our lives.
It is apparent that the disdainful and emotionally impoverished reactions, need to be culled – we need our inviolable equanimity to feel as dignified equals. We need a deeper form of ‘equality’ – a place where we accept our differences, stay away from corrosive inequality, and keep alive a profound sense of dignity not just for ourselves but for others too. Inviolable Equanimity is that higher stage – the one that lies beyond formal and material equality. Are we ready/committed enough?
Let’s talk more about this –
Have a Super Life!