+91-9716223344 chandini.khanna@gmail.com

In the bustling world, we inhabit, it’s impossible to ignore the presence of those who excel in the Art of Ignoring. They wander through life, seemingly oblivious to the emotions swirling around them. What’s even more intriguing is that, at times, we find ourselves walking in their footsteps, immersed in our own thoughts and concerns, disconnected from the feelings of those we encounter. The art of ignoring is all around us, both in others and within ourselves, and it’s time to shed light on this peculiar phenomenon. Join me to explore the depths of emotional oblivion and delve into the complexities of our own behaviours.

Once upon a time, in a world filled with hectic streets and ‘busy’ minds, there existed a group of individuals who possessed a reAmuable talent—the Art of Ignoring. Oblivious to the emotional needs and experiences of those around them, they roamed through life, blissfully disconnected from the heartfelt connections that make us human.

Meet ‘Mona’, the master of selective vision. She had perfected the art of turning a blind eye to the emotions of others. Friends would pour their hearts out, sharing their joys and sorrows, while Mona would nod and smile, her mind drifting to her own thoughts and concerns. She had a knack for conveniently overlooking the pain and struggles of those around her, choosing to focus solely on her own desires and ambitions.

Then there was ‘Amu’, a true virtuoso in the art of tuning out. No matter the circumstance or the heartfelt pleas for attention, he possessed an uncanny ability to tune out the emotional turmoil that surrounded him. Colleagues would seek his advice, hoping for a glimmer of empathy, only to be met with a vacant gaze and a disinterested response. Amu had mastered the Zen of unresponsiveness, creating a bubble of indifference where emotions were but fleeting distractions.

As Mona and Amu roamed through life, their emotional oblivion shielded them from the messy intricacies of human connection. They revelled in their ignorance, proudly embracing their lack of emotional intelligence. The concept itself seemed foreign to them, as if emotional awareness belonged to a distant realm of existence that they had no interest in exploring.

Little did they know that by ignoring the emotional landscape around them, they were missing out on the true essence of being human. The joy of celebrating others’ successes, the comfort of providing solace in times of need, and the profound beauty of forging deep, meaningful connections—all of these eluded Mona and Amu as they floated through life, untouched by the emotional tapestry that weaves us together.

In the end, their pursuit of emotional oblivion left them with a hollow existence. While they may have found fleeting moments of tranquillity in their self-centeredness, the richness of true connection and the empathy that comes from understanding and embracing the emotions of others remained elusive.

As we reflect on their journey, let us remember the importance of emotional intelligence, of truly seeing and acknowledging the feelings of those around us. For in the tapestry of human emotions lies the essence of our shared humanity. Let us choose to embrace the beauty of connection, nurture empathy, and navigate life with open hearts and minds. After all, it is through the depth of our emotional bonds that we find meaning, growth, and a profound sense of belonging. Are you inclined to be a ‘Mona’ or an ‘Amu’? Remember that it would hurt deeply to encounter either in your own life!