+91-9716223344 chandini.khanna@gmail.com

Despite feeling insurmountable, HOPE is crucial now more than ever before.

I won’t sugarcoat it – the current state of affairs is grim. The COVID-19 pandemic, its monstrous repercussions, and the impending recessions – well it’s easy to feel hopeless. People are struggling to make ends meet, and even those who were once secure are facing unexpected challenges.

In these unprecedented times, it can be hard to envision a brighter future. However, cultivating hope is crucial, and it starts with consciously working towards a better future and accepting that the future is unknown and unknowable. While it’s understandable to feel hopeless, acknowledging that feeling is the first step towards building resilience. While it’s always difficult to maintain hope, especially during times like these, it’s not impossible. In fact, it may be the key to surviving mentally in the current state of the world.

Even after so many years, hope still motivates me. It’s not about wishing my problems away or being delusional, but having a clear vision of what I want to achieve. When I have a specific goal in mind, I can take action towards achieving it, which makes me feel more in control and less stressed. Hope gives me a sense of empowerment and the determination to keep going.

Hope doesn’t necessarily mean everything will always be perfect, but it’s about realistic expectations that good things can happen and that we have some control over the outcome. Even in situations where we have no control, resilience can help us accept what we cannot change and find alternative solutions.

Hope has been linked to numerous positive outcomes such as increased happiness, improved academic performance, and even reduced risk of mortality. It’s a crucial element for navigating difficult situations, as well as achieving daily objectives. The benefits of hope are accessible to all, as research suggests that nearly anyone can learn to be more hopeful.

One’s level of hopefulness does not depend on one’s IQ or income level, as hope is equally available to all individuals. It certainly can be built through #emotionaintelligence. Emotional intelligence (EI) is the vital intersection where our cognitive and emotional faculties converge. It plays a crucial role in building resilience, fostering motivation, enhancing empathy, sharpening reasoning skills, managing stress, improving communication, and deftly navigating complex social situations and conflicts. Cultivating high EI is key to unlocking a more fulfilling and joyful existence. It is a critical skill that has the power to transform our lives for the better.

Here’s to Hope!