+91-9716223344 chandini.khanna@gmail.com


Following one’s dream and passion is something that every great entrepreneur and successful executive will tell you and they are right. There are however, right and wrong reasons for which people may leave their jobs or change their careers, and what follows would tell you, which are some of the wrong reasons to change your job. Changing one’s job is a crucial decision – make it only after a thorough analysis of why a new job would be the right move. Changing one’s job because your friends or peers have or because someone’s ‘lawn seems greener’ are definitely not reasons to make a job decision. This exposition is based on my experience from ‘both sides of the table’ – so I guess there would be portions that you could take to help you make informed choices with regard to your job and career.

Why not 1:

You suddenly begin to hate your job. There could be a number of reasons for this but before ‘jumping ship’, remember that people and most companies are the same wherever you may go. Even if you do find another job, the ‘honeymoon period’ would only last for about a month and then all those factors would probably be the same reasons for which you left your previous job. Evaluate your feelings and work towards alleviating them rather than trying to find solace and an escape elsewhere.

Why not 2:

The company suddenly appears as the worst place to work at simply because some changes were implemented. Change is always tough and it would be better to adopt a flexible mind-set and attitude rather than ‘running’ every time the company announced some amendments.

Why not 3:

So monotony has set into your job? It is boring you unbearably – change your job, right? Wrong. Every job in any company would have its fair share of rote and monotonous tasks and therefore this is definitely not a reason to switch. It would behove you to find ways to make your job interesting – take up a new responsibility, join a committee /special task force for a project, attend training programs and other such tasks would not only eliminate boredom but also equip you with new skills and knowledge.

Why not 4:

Companies are going global! This means that the people they employ would come from varied backgrounds and diverse demographics. It is unlikely that anyone in a company would like everyone in the company and hence changing one’s job simply because ‘you hate the guy on the next desk’ would be foolish.

Why not 5:

When in a job, there will most likely be someone who you would refer to as ‘boss’- the person who seems to make your life difficult for no apparent reason. Do not switch jobs simply because you feel that you cannot handle this person – you could land up with a worse boss in the new company. Rather than changing jobs, you would help yourself by enhancing your people management skills – you learn something new and would be better equipped to deal with the ‘tough ones’.

Why not 6:

After working in a company for a while, you would have been able to carve a niche for yourself. However, as you progress in your job, the number of hours required at your job may seem to have increased significantly. Rather than changing your job and starting afresh, you could find ways to remove distractions, organize your work better and seek help if required in order to reduce the number of hours each day. Switching jobs without making some effort could land you in worse conditions.
Why not 7:

You believe that you deserve a promotion or a salary hike but it does not seem to be happening any time soon. Changing jobs only for more money could prove to be a damaging move. You could first try to acquire a new skill or add to your educational qualifications while at your current job – this could make you eligible for that raise or promotion. A change of attitude and mind-set could help you create that improvement for yourself in the current company rather than making the effort of carving your niche all over again in a new job.

Why not 8:

Given the ever-changing nature of a business environment, changes, uncertainty and inconsistencies would be a given. Changing your job because you believe that there are far too many changes and no stability in the current company as compared to others, could prove to be a poor decision. It would be better to speak to some trusted colleagues and even your supervisor to understand how best the ‘upheavals’ can be managed.

Why not 9:

You believe that because some of your friends switched jobs and seem happy in their new assignments, you should do it too. Rather than basing your job decision on how happy someone else is, you should take a close look at the pros and cons of changing yours. The ‘grass may have been greener on the other side’ for someone else – does not mean that it would be the same for you. Evaluate all aspects before making the move.

Why not 10:

Possibly one of the lamest reasons people give for changing jobs – lack of company transportation. While this could prove to be a bit of an obstacle, it should not be a reason to change an otherwise good job. Communicate your problem to your supervisor and seek advice from your friends and peers – you would be surprised at the number of solutions available.

While it is true that change is the only constant, change for the sake of it could cause more problems. Before making any job switching decisions, ensure that you consider all the aspects and alternatives. It would be a lot simpler to receive help and cooperation from your current company, since people would already know you, rather than from a new company that would expect you to make the effort to impress them first. Every job has its advantages and some disadvantages – it depends on you to manage them for your benefit.